This large capacity optical sorter features advanced full colour RGB Smart Sensitivity sorting technology that is ideally suited to sort lentils and cereals in a plant environment. The full-colour camera recognizes subtle colour diff erences contributing to food security and improving the grains appearance. The new user interface design has individual sensitivity adjustments for specifi c defects. This simple sorting control makes it easy for the operator to achieve maximum sorting performance with minimum training. New wide chute provide high processing capacity and the option of a simultaneous tertiary sort off ers higher yield. The reverse sort option provides an additional function for reclaiming good product from the reject. Its sister machine, the SSM, off ers a combined CCD and NIR InGaAs sensors to remove foreign inert defects.
New digital image processing and automatic image adjustment functions can be adjusted for each raw material, allowing accurate sorting of many different materials.
336 mm wide chute provides high processing capacity. Two chute types are available: flat and grooved. Optional mounting parts are also available to optimize the flow of material through the chute.
A completely redesigned lower hopper is equipped on all models. To prevent the incorrect rejection of good grain, a new opening between that for Accepts and Rejects has been added, increasing yield.
A sliding touch screen offers improved usability. It features a newly designed interface for more intuitive, user-friendly operation.
Lentils, wheat, coff ee, sesame seeds, small beans, corn seed, rice
Subtle colour diff erences, discoloured product, foreign materials
Processors with colour defects in the food and seed industry
BI/BM - All Primary RGB/CCD+NIR
RGBS - 3, 5 & 7 chutes
SSM - 3, 4 and 5 chutes