Combined machine for selecting of cereals into light and heavy fraction and for separating the heavy fraction from stones and other particles with high specific weight.
The product, flows through the superior part of the machine and with the effect of the vibration and a particular distribution system, spread on superior frame divided in three parts with different sizes and perforations. During the deviation on the superior frame, on the effect of the combination airflow and frame vibration, the product becomes intense uniformly on all length of the frame. Stones and high specific weight product fraction are concentrated on the inferior part of the product layer; however, the suspended light fractions are evacuated beginning from the second part of the frame. The destoner treatment is done on the inferior frame, the effect of the vibration and the aspiration regularize the flow of the product until the stone were evacuated on the backside. The heavy cereal fraction, cleaned from the stones, is oriented on the opposite side.